Workspace Disinfecting: Essential Steps for a Clean Office

Workspace Disinfecting: Essential Steps for a Clean Office

Workspace Disinfecting: Essential Steps for a Clean Office

Workspace Disinfecting: What’s the last thing you touched before you proceeded to work on your computer? Your hands are the biggest carriers of invisible bacteria, and you are spreading these microscopic organisms all over the place without knowing. It’s essential to have a clean work environment, especially in this time of a pandemic. Find out how ARK Solvers Cyber Security and IT Services does it!

Since 2020 started, we’ve never been more cautious about the germs and viruses that lurk within our surroundings. One of the things Covid-19 taught us is that we should always observe cleanliness everywhere we go, so as not to contract the virus; however, as simple as a cleaning task can be, we all fail to focus on it almost all the time, especially in the workplace. When was the last time you sanitized your desk? As you work, your computer, desk, phone, and keyboards are your main touchpoints. Your hands encounter thousands of bacteria, and you’re unknowingly spreading it across your close working environment. Knowing how contagious the existing virus is, you must regularly perform sanitary and disinfecting actions.

At ARK Solvers Cyber Security and IT Services, we ensure that the workplace is clean and orderly for our employees. The sanitation part is easy to implement, but because our field technicians work with computers and other electronic devices all the time, the task is extra challenging; each office device has its cleaning maintenance, and disinfecting protocols. CDC recommends that you clean a high-touch-traffic surface in your workplace at least once a day. If you want to start doing this as a habit, here’s how we do it:

Unplug all the devices

Before you begin your cleaning and disinfecting process, make sure that all the electronic gadgets are disconnected from the power to avoid accidents and unit damage.

Get rid of the small debris that lies on your keyboard and devices

For your keyboard, you can use a brush to get debris out of it; you can also turn it upside down and shake it. You might be surprised by the chunks of particles that it holds. As for your desktop and computer, you can use a clean and lint-free towel to wipe the surfaces. Avoid soaking your devices with excessive cleaning liquid by squeezing the cloth semi-dry before using it.

Don’t use aerosol sprays

If you think aerosol sprays and bleach can make your cleaning task better, do not do it! These chemicals can cause damage to your devices. You can make a DIY disinfectant; to make it as effective as commercial ones, make sure that it has at least 70% of isopropyl alcohol.

Let everything dry

After cleaning and disinfecting your workplace, refrain from touching anything. Let your gadgets dry first before continuing your work, or the dirt from your hands will just spread across your things again.

These basic and easy-to-follow steps are your ticket to a much safer and healthier workplace. Make cleaning your working environment a habit, and you have something less to worry about in the middle of this pandemic.

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